Pink origami vulva with text “Our purpose: we break V-Zone taboos to free women from stigma
Pink origami vulva with text “Our purpose: we break V-Zone taboos to free women from stigma

Our purpose: We break V-Zone* taboos to free women from stigma.

What we believe

Through pleasure and pain, from light flows to heavy, first period to last… and everything between & beyond – vaginas and vulvas are a powerful, wonderful part of the human body, and deserve to be celebrated and cared for. We are committed to breaking taboos around periods, vaginas and vulvas, so women all over the globe can feel empowered, supported and can live the life they want without fear or shame.

Improving women’s intimate wellbeing worldwide

Words are powerful. But real change only comes with action. Womanhood can throw a lot at us and sometimes we need support. PROJECT V is a change-driving initiative to support women through their experiences.

Dirty Natural

The only things wrong with our bodies are the untruths surrounding them. We never imply that blood, discharge, vaginal odours or vulvas are impure or wrong. Blood isn’t blue. And women aren’t born to be roses.

For others For you

Your life. Your body. Your choices. We respect that. We never tell you what you can and can't do or should and shouldn’t look like.

Silence Open talk

Women’s bodies and experiences won’t be silenced. We’re never afraid to spark V-Zone conversations, break taboos and fight harmful stereotypes.

Excluding Inclusive

There’s no one way to be a woman. We stand with everyone. We involve as many diverse women and experiences as we can. And we involve men, too, to help break taboos.

Sacrificing Caring

We care for the planet like we care for you. So we never innovate without the planet’s reproductive rights in mind.

*Vagina, vulva and V-shaped front one can see